ALBA. Lip balm
Lip balm with spherical metallic ABS packaging. This lip balm has SPF15 UV protection. ø39 x 38 mm
BARDOT. Lip balm
Lip balm with cube-shaped packaging in metallic ABS. This lip balm has SPF15 UV protection. 32 x 32 x 32 mm
CORDEN. Heat pouch
PVC heat bag that generates heat instantly. This promotional product is a reusable product. 88 x 110 mm
DAVI. Hand cleansing alcohol-base (spray)
Hand cleansing alcohol-base (spray) with lid and capacity up to 10 ml. Spray rechargeable. ø15 x 140 mm
KATSU. 1.5 m tape measure
1’5m ABS tape measure with Body Mass Index calculator. This tape measure is a promotional product that is supplied in box. 75 x 16 x 57 mm
LOVELY. Heat pouch
PVC heat pouch that generates heat instantly. The bag is heart shaped. 102 x 90 x 11 mm
SCARLETT. Lip balm
Lip balm with metallic ABS packaging. This lip balm has SPF15 UV protection. ø18 x 68 mm